


Department of School Education & Literacy - MHRD

Government schools imparting poor quality education - DownToEarth

NGO Involvement
In partnership with Govt schools NGO work  to enhance quality and bring back enrolment to government schools The Education Alliance | Peepul |
Working for the upliftment and holistic development of underprivileged children, women and vulnerable families.  Khushii | Deepalaya |
Children living in poverty into reading and quality education Katha
Education Solutions, Skill building and Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation, Consultancy and Advisory LearningLinksFoundation
Working for children and their rights. CRY
Bringing brightest and most promising youth, from the nation’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full-time teachers to children from low-income communities. TeachForIndia
Volunteering  youth for enabling quality life for children in orphanages and street shelters MakeADifference

Others PrathamBareFootCollege | SimpleEducatioFoundation | VidyaIndia |
New initaives in experimenting school education

LeadSchool  | OpenDoorEducation |